- September 30, 1931 – JSA to Ellwood Rabenold –
My dear Mr. Rabenold:
Colonel Bullock, National Field Representative of the Izaak Walton League, who spoke so convincingly before the Rotarians here a few weeks ago, has since been withdrawn from the State, but I have received a letter from him saying that he has a vacation the last two weeks of October and would be glad to contribute his time to making addresses and talks against the tree-cutting amendment if we can find a means of paying his expenses which he estimates to be less than $10.00 a day, including all expenses.
In all probability he could be encouraged to devote only part of his time if found desirable.
If either you or Mrs. Dreier have any suggestions in connection with this I would be glad to hear for you at your earliest opportunity.
Incidentally I am badly in need of a dozen or more copies of your famous brief, and hope you will send them to me with a bill.
With best wishes to yourself and family, Hurriedly yours, JSApperson