- September 25, 1929 – Walwin Barr, Commodore ACA to JSA
Dear Mr. Apperson:
Next year is the 50th anniversary of the A.C.A. You will recall that our organization came into being at Lake George. We are thinking of some of our accomplishments to review at our celebration and hoe to have many of our distinguished members present, especially those of the older generation. As you probably know, Nicholas Longworth, Sr., was one of our charter members, also Arthur Brentano, and the late Judge Robert J. Wilkin. The Hon. Calvin Coolidge is also a member.
I am writing to you primarily to learn of the progress made on the work of protection started in 1923, in which our organization assisted. We were particularly concerned at that time, and are still interested in the permanent protection of the East shore near the Camping colony on the State Islands.
Our Camp and Regatta held at Turtle Island in 1926 was considered a great success, and on account of the increased impetus to our activities commencing at that time we have had a larger registration at each succeeding Camp. Should we in the near future wish to return to Lake George we would require more room than is afforded on Turtle island. The question is likely to come up, for discussion at our Fall meeting in November. We would like to feel that we have been helpful in assisting to preserve the wild beauty of this famous lake, and making it more available to the pubic.
If you will write me a letter setting forth a few of the things that our organization has helped accomplish in this direction I will appreciate your efforts. At the same time I wish to assure you of our continuing interest, and desire to cooperate to the fullest possible extent in this work of conservation. With kindest recollection of your helpful advice when we held our gathering in 1926, remain,
Sincerely yours,
Walvin Barr, Commodore