September 15, 1921 – JSA to Sylvia Loines


  • September 15, 1921 – JSA to Miss Sylvia Loines –

Dear Miss Loines:

Do you happen to know a favorable approach to Mr. Pliny T. Sexton or his heirs who own Dome Island? I have been very much concerned and at times active in this connection over a long period without accomplishing permanent preservation of the island. At the time we took the liberty of repairing the shore without permission, Mr. Bixby and others were disposed to buy the island with the understanding that it should be forever kept in its natural state. I was unable at that time to get Mr. Sexton to sell it and with so many other active matters demanding my limited time, I have not yet found the opportunity of discussing it with him, but understand the island is now for sale. I have not been able to verify this and would not want to have it generally understood for some stupid man with money might secure it and put up an unsightly structure like those which ruin so many of the islands in the St. Lawrence and coast of Maine.

Should Dome Island be disfigured, I feel the whole lake would be disfigured. It bears the relation to the Lake even more important than the center-piece to ones table.

I will be up this weekend and if it will not cause you any undue inconvenience, I will be glad to get any information you may have on the subject.

Allow me to thank you for returning my work boat and incidentally I recall you left two paddles which I will return to you at my earliest opportunity.

You might like to know the proposition made to Mr. Loomis on the Basin Bay property was refused. Negotiations, however, are not entirely closed. You may also be interested to know that I did not have the opportunity of seeing Mr. Coolidge or Mrs. Brown.

With best regards to you and your family, I remain

Sincerely yours,

Dictated by Mr. Apperson

Signed in his absence.