- October 26, 1926 – Alexander MacDonald, Commissioner (by C. R. Petttis, Superintendent of State Forests) to JSA
Dear Apperson:
I have yours of the 23rd, stating that there are continued reports of bitter feeling against the State caused by the burning of old man Duren’s camp on Tongue Mountain which may not be appreciated by us.
We would say that perhaps you are not fully advised in regard to this matter. We gave Mr. Duren notice and he co-operated with us and he took his buildings down and brought the material down to the shore and we took the State boat and the scow and carried this material to Lake George Village. Whatever may have been destroyed was of no value and was left there by him. We feel that we have done our duty in the matter, as we have fully cooperated with him; we have had no complaint from him whatever, and to the best of our knowledge, he appreciates what we have done for him.
Very truly yours,
By C R. Pettis
Supt. State Forests