- October 21, 1942 – JSA to Kathryn H. Starbuck (Skidmore College) –
Dear Miss Starbuck:
Please accept my thanks for your letter of the 19th with the new material which you received from your friend Mr. Woodbury. It is encouraging to know that he holds you in such high esteem since he might even allow you to have a list of the members with their addresses. You might succeed where others have failed in their efforts to obtain this list which would be very helpful to us.
I hope you approve of the attached letter to Bacon who also received a bit of advice from his friend Mr. Woodbury regarding the suit.
Our application to intervene was scheduled for a hearing before Judge Brewster last Monday but delayed a week at the request of the defendant. Apparently this delay was also desired by the Lake George Association. This may mean that the Association had not yet filed their application and the defendant would be in a better position to challenge our application after their request was made. I am not entirely sure of this.
It appears to be the opinion that the Niagara Case is fundamentally different from our Lake George Case, but a further review will be made.
The appearance of uneasiness among those who have been so confident in the past is encouraging and somewhat amusing. Thanks again for your help.
Sincerely yours,