October 19, 1929 – JSA to Mr. Green (American Federation of Labor)


  • October 19, 1929 – JSA to Mr. Green (American Federation of Labor, Washington, DC) –

My dear Mr. Green:

In 1923 your organization joined with several other National and New York State organizations in an effort to create a public park and preserve the wild beauty of our most famous lake. Lake George, New York, and this effort was successful in securing appropriations, and almost two-thirds of the area agreed upon has been acquired, either by gift or purchase by the State.

There still remains a very important tract of land needed by the public, and apparently another effort by these various organizations is required to get the State to act.

Your local representative, Mr. James E. Roach, has suggested that I write to you with the thought that you may care to have me make known to some representative in this state the situation in detail, and obtain from him such assistance as he may think desirable in completing this work.

Hoping that you may personally enjoy a visit to this most famous spot in our State some time in the near future, I am

Cordially yours,
