- October 15, 1929 – H. Smith Johannsen (Montreal) to JSA –
Dear Apperson:
I certainly owe you an apology for not having answered your various communications since I had the pleasure of skiing with you in the Laurentian Mountains last winter.
Santas Dumont’s ideas on skiing are very amusing and I read the description of the Martial Transformer with great interest; however, decided not to make practical use of it.
Since you threatened to come up here to make my tongue hang out while running on dry land instead of on skis, I have been trying to keep I shape and ready to tramp with you. I am very much relieved to think that you shall probably have to out on your skis before long and I am ready for such a tramp any day. We expect our skiing in the mountains in just a few weeks, and II am looking forward to see you and other friends several times during this winter. With kindest regards,
Sincerely yours,
- Smith Johannsen