- October 13, 1925 – JSA to Jim Cawley
Dear Jim:
The A.C.A. victory for Lake George was wholly your victory and while I want to repeat what you already very well know, that it is inadvisable to refer to it as anybody’s victory. Nevertheless it was your work that brought about the decision to hold a first annual meet for a great many years away from Sugar island. I want to suggest that you let me know when you expect to be in Schenectady for enough in advance to arrange a meeting between yourself and the other A.C.A. men here, or you might make all such arrangements yourself.
I have in mind that the Schenectady A.C.A men are so much close to Lake George than any others that they can go up week ends and do a number of things that should be done to make the meeting next August a complete success in every way. Several of them have called me up and expressed a desire to do all they can and I do not think they expect any official appointment of any kind. I have offered the use of my camp and any paraphernalia which will assist them in carryon gut the work. I called up the Conservation Commissioner to make a survey of the Island in order that you might make your plans on a large scale map, but both the Superintendent and his first assistant are away and no one was insufficient authority to make a decision. My experience prompts me to get as many of the details finished up and out of the way before the final performance fall due as possible, and with almost a year to work in, I should think everything could be put in good order and without a great deal of hardship on the part of anyone.
I told the Commission this morning that we want two good substantial docks, one on each side of the Island near where the old house was. Also an item in the budget for next year for other improvements require on this and many other islands.
I hope you did not take too seriously my request about the logs to be moved to the water on my place. I did not remember until afterwards that most of the men were leaving early.
Congratulating you again and with kindest regards to you and your family, I remain,
Cordially yours,
- S. Apperson