- October 10, 1929 – C. Everett Bacon to JSA –
Dear Mr. Apperson:
Thank you for the copy of your letter to Mr. Reynolds.
After talking with you on the phone the other day, I was passing Recluse Island and dropped in to look it over. I found Mrs. Reynolds, Sr., there and I told her that I had heard a rumor that the island was for sale and wondered if it could be so. She quite emphatically denied that it was in the market except at evidently a ridiculous price, and mentioned that she recently refused a bid of sixty thousand dollars for the property. If it could be bought at anything like fifteen thousand dollars, I certainly would be very glad to purchase it as I am sure that I could easily interest some of my friends at such a price.
This summer they built a bridge to the outer island and I believe also put in a new sewerage disposal plant, as well as remodeled the boat-house, so that it really looks as thought they were planning to continue to hold the property unless someone were willing to pay a very high figure.
With appreciation for your thought, and in anticipation of having the pleasure of seeing you more often, I am,
Cordially yours,
- Everette Bacon