November 27, 1929 – JSA to Peabody

  • November 27, 1929 – JSA to Peabody –

My dear Mr. Peabody:

I greatly enjoyed seeing you last night and was disappointed in not meeting you again this morning.

Enclosed you will find a copy of the Union College Bulletin.

I talked with Dr. Coolidge and he was delighted to hear from you personally, and said he would be very pleased indeed to have a visit from you and Dr. Shoenborn, and that any time Friday would be satisfactory. If this does not suit your plans, I would be glad to arrange a visit at a later date.

Enclosed you will find a copy of a letter from Mr. Woodbury which you will note virtually admits that the Lake George Association are not very active in preserving the wild beauty of our beloved Lake.

Sincerely yours,
