- May 31, 1944 – Paul Schaefer to JSA –
Dear Mr. Apperson:
This weekend I plan to climb Black Mountain, which I have spoken to you about, to study the conditions existing there 30 years after it burned along with 30,000 more acres. I enclose a copy of a typographical map which will give you an idea of its physical characteristics. All of those smaller ridges to the North of it along the river also burned.
It is possible that several members of the Albany Chapter of the Adirondack Mountain Club will go into this with me and because we will want to derive the greatest possible benefit from each trip we make I’d appreciate it if you will outline possible objectives for us.
As I recall the mountain, its northern end seems fairly well broken up, although the top appears to be similar to your pictures of Rocky Peak Ridge. The size of the stumps along Shanty brook indicate a magnificent forest there before the fire.
Sincerely yours,
Paul Schaefer