May 27, 1929 – JSA to Roy Mount

  • May 27, 1929 – JSA to Roy Mount –

Dear Mr. Mount:

I very much appreciate the kind wishes expressed in your letter of the 20th, and want to thank you for your thoughtfulness in securing the magazine which you sent through Mr. Paxton.

You might be interested in knowing that yesterday I visited a section of the country and found a patrol with a rifle keeping the public away from a trout stream which is supposed to have been stocked many times by the State. I do not have any opinion as to the merits of the case at this time, but should you happen to know the law in such instances, and care to drop me a note in connection with it, informing me, I shall be very grateful to you. Such communication will, of course, be used only for my information.

I can assure you that if it is possible to have Mr. Embody, I will also be glad to have you, and even if he should not come, I will look forward to the pleasure of having you visit me at my Lake George camp.

Cordially yours,


(Note: I do not have time to fish or hunt and therefore this is not personal.)