May 27, 1929 – JSA to G. P. Germain (Bolton Landing)

  • May 27, 1929 – JSA to G. P. Germain, Bolton Landing –

Dear Germain:

It was a wonderful day, but I broke the valve spring early in the morning, on my way to your place, and was therefore unable to have the pleasure of you and your companion for out talked of trip.

I understand that Shelving Rock brook and several small lakes are patrolled by a man with a rifle to see that the public do not hunt or fish. If you have the opportunity to confirm this by seeing the gentlemen of from some other source that will not cause any undue labor on your part or concern on the part of others, it would be very helpful in our effort to understand the situation.

I hope to have the opportunity of seeing you on Decoration Day. In the meantime, best regards to you and your companion.

Cordially yours,
