May 23, 1929 – Raymond Wilson to JSA

  • May 23, 1929 – Raymond Wilson (Boston) to JSA

Dear Mr. Apperson:

Undoubtedly you may register surprise at receipt of this, the first word you have heard from me or about me since 1926, which is a long time, isn’t it? The Wilsons, pere et fils, seemed to have scattered themselves and their talents (?) over a fairly large territory. Pop, as you know, is in Florida and benefitting greatly from the change in climate there. Mother seems to like it very well, too.

Ted is with this company in New York City and just at present I am working outside here in Metropolitan Boston, investigating and adjusting public utility accident claims. I have been in it over three years and like it well enough to be settling down in it now.

That brings me to the point of this note. In a short time formal announcement will be made of my engagement. I have finally succeeded in convincing a girl that I would be a fair husband. In case you wish to warn her, her name is Rachel Johnson of Warren, Mass. We plan to make the engagement a short one. I have a vacation from August 24th through September 7th, and hope to be married then.

For a long time I have regarded Lake George as the place where I would want to take my girl for our honeymoon. To me the Lake seems to have all the requisites, beauty, good weather, quiet, and the added consideration of being modest as to expense.

I am so out of touch with things around there and at Schenectady that having decided on the Lake I immediately thought of writing you in case you know of or can put mw in touch with some-one regarding getting a cottage or camp for those two weeks, if it can be did.

The other-half craves horse-back riding. Is the riding school still at Bolton? The honey-moon cottage need not have the pretensions of Lindberg’s nor Gene Tunney’s, and I do not think accommodations will be needed for press representatives.

If you have an opportunity soon, will you drop me a line here? We will be out in Schenectady about the 25th or 26th of August, or I could drop up some weekend before that if need be. Whatever tip you can give me, will certainly be appreciated. I thrust this reaches you finding you in your same excellent health, winning all your battles in the same form as when I last heard from you.


Raymond L. Wilson