- May 22, 1941 – Alvin Whitney to JSA –
Dear Mr. Apperson:
I am glad to see the announcement and agenda of the annual meeting of the F.P.A. set for next week. It is not likely that I can be there, but among the questions which I hope will be discussed relative to the Adirondacks are:
- The continued desirability of more drastic forest fire prevention measures. – in the light of the present two-months’ drought, and the holocaust in the New Jersey woodlands, etc.
- The prospect of further opening up of the Adirondack mining areas and development of transportation outlets, military highways, power lines, etc.
- Renewed exploration of the extent to which we conservationists can safely compromise the principle of preservation of natural resources in the national emergency. Unquestionably the drive is on for all possible exploitation of water power, timber and mineral reserves. Pressure is being brought to open up the National Parks and National Monuments to prospecting and mining. Government agencies such as the U.S. Forest Service and National Park Service will abet rather than oppose this trend. Just what stand should the conservation groups now take, keeping uppermost in mind the necessity of an all-out hemisphere defense at any cost? Sincerely yours, Alvin G. Whitney