May 22, 1930 – JSA to Margaret Weld

  • May 22, 1930 – JSA to Margaret White Weld –

My dear Mrs. Weld:

You may know that the magazine called ‘The Up-Stater’ is considered one of the mouthpieces of the commercial group trying to exploit the Adirondacks. The May edition, copy of which I am sending you under separate cover, gives a sample of the propaganda sent out, and you may wish to put it in your conservation folder for future reference.

You will note the editorial portrays the state’s playground as a factory in purpose, and pleads for a more lucrative output.

Probably the most significant reference is in the report of the Association on page 21, which confirms the belief expressed by many that the so-called reforestation bill passed last winter, amending the Constitution, was not only a bad bill but also the beginning of a serious effort to lumber all the State land in the Adirondacks. After reviewing this legislation the report states:

‘The Association did not oppose this provision but contended it was a mere gesture and fell far short of solving the problem.’

This attitude is further confirmed in the last paragraph of Mr. Recknagle’s article, reading:


“If, therefore, the mills of the State are to be maintained with home grown timber it is necessary to draw a substantial part of the supply from the State Forest preserve. The dwindling industries of the State are rightly giving concern to all thoughtful citizens and the legislature has before it several proposals for creating a State Department of Commerce which will seek particularly the maintaining and up-building within the State.”

Further confirmation of this attitude is shown in many places in Mr. Lawyer’s article beginning on Page 6.

Since there is so little educational work on the right side of this subject being carried on, I am prompted to inquire if it would not be possible to talk over with you and two or three other people whom you may know in the St. Hubert’s Club, who have the same deep interest that you have and are willing to give some time to studying the situation. It seems apparent that ordinary interest or occasional action on the part f those interested in the Adirondacks will not prove very effective and while I am devoting my spare time to the subject, it is a very small contribution to the effort that will be required to cope with this situation effectively.

Mr. George Foster Peabody is very sympathetic and it is barely possible that he might like to join with us in an informal discussion of this kind at Saratoga or Lake George. Several more discussions will, I am sure, be necessary before we can make very much progress. Hoping that you are enjoying good health, I remain…

Cordially yours.
