March 8, 1929 – Hull Apperson to JSA


  • March 8, 1929 – Hull Apperson to JSA –

Dear John:

Your letter of the 5th and the ray lamp received. All parts seem to be in good shape. I have just opened the tube and it is all right as far as I can tell. Nothing broken. I did not find any instructions about the apparatus, but I think I can put it together all right. Would like to have the instruction book, however, and if you can have one sent to me I will appreciate it. I found one set of goggles which should be enough I suppose, as only one party can be treated at a time. One thing I am not sure about is hoe far should the lamp be to the party being treated. This should be given in the book of instructions. The lead plate you spoke of I will have to get. I shall not use the lamp until I hear further from you. We are all pretty well. I have been having more trouble recently, but I hope this will pass off with the advent of warmer weather. We have had a lot of rain recently and last night it turned cold – down to 25 degrees this morning. So far the weather has been favorable for another year’s apple crop.

With love from all of us

Yours, etc. Hull