- March 5, 1929 – JSA to James Smith. Bolton Landing –
Dear Mr. Smith:
I have your letter regarding the location of the bracket on the back of the boat. Since the engine will have to be kept in the back cock-pit, it occurs to me that this might limit the over-all dimensions of the engine. Since I do not remember the dimensions of the cock-pit, I think it might be well to come up and discuss this with you before you put the brackets on.
At present I only have one engine, which is a long shaft. I presume I should have one of the new outfits. I suppose you have so many engines you would rather not take my old one in trade, although it is in rather good shape. I think the light-twin is probably what I should have, since it would also be suitable for my smaller size.
I will try to get in and see you this week-end.
Cordially yours,