March 4, 1926 – Jim Cawley to Gov. Al Smith


  • March 24, 1926 – Jim Cawley to His Excellency, Gov. Alfred E. Smith

Dear Sir:

Your real personal interest in the Lake George Park program moves me to take the liberty of suggesting that you use your influence in helping the Conservation Commission to see the wisdom of acquiring Dome Island, one of the group located in Lake George, which has been recently offered for sale by the present owner.

Dome island is without question the most beautiful of all the islands in Lake George, and located as it is about midway between the Narrows and Lake George Village it would be a splendid addition to the State lands not only to increase the number of camping sites available but to be used as a stop over place for cruising campers and canoeists.

Because of the beautiful sky-line of the island, to despoil it with a big country home would be a terrible crime. The acquisition of this island by the Conservation Commission would prevent this and preserve for all time the Island as it is today.

I don’t know whether the Conservation Commission is in a position to consider the acquisition of additional lands at this time, but on behalf of the 1200 members of the American Canoe Association I would like you to use your influence ad suggest that the State try to acquire this property.

It may be of interest to know that for the first time in twenty-five years the American Canoe association as a body are going to take advantage of the splendid facilities offered by the State and will hold our Annual Camp and Regatta on Turtle Island I August of this year. It will mean the bringing of from four to five hundred people to see for themselves the wonderful facilities that are now provided by the Conservation Commission, and I think it would be a splendid things if some definite action could be taken before that time so that our Association could be informed before our Annual Camp that the State either will acquire or had acquired Dome Island.

I personally have enjoyed to the utmost the facilities that the State has provided up there and from my own experience I know that every citizen who becomes acquainted with the value of this work is a great booster for the present administration that has brought it about.

Thanking you I advance for any consideration you may give to my request and suggestion, I am

Respectfully yours.

James S. Cawley

Vice Commodore