March 3, 1930 – JSA to Frank D. Morehouse


  • March 3, 1930 – JSA to Mr. Frank D. Morehouse (Glens Falls) –

Dear Mr. Morehouse:

The enclosed is a draft of a resolution that has, or will be acted on by the Local Legion, and a draft of a letter of transmittal to the State Commander. Possibly you should only use the information contained therein until I can advise you more definitely on the action that has been taken.

A week ago last Saturday I had a talk with both Assemblyman Boyce and Senator Breardon, and while they seemed to appreciate that the Republicans had a rare opportunity of completing this very notable undertaking to preserve this famous scenery and make it more available to the public, apparently they were not very enthusiastic. There is no denying that the Paradise Bay land and rugged unoccupied shore for several miles north is the most frequented and admired part of this famous scenery, and while the effort to give it permanent protection was initiated during the Democratic administration and strongly advocated by the state and national organizations, this the most important part is still unprotected and great credit will no doubt come to those who bring about the final preservation of this area visited by people from all parts of the world. Since the Democrats have had both authority and money available for completing this work, and have neglected to do so, will make the action of the Republicans even more pronounced and since the taking of this land has been advocated for several years by various branches of the Democratic organization, they can hardly oppose a bill that might now be introduced for the specific purpose of completing such a notable undertaking.

I think it is well to stress the fact that both the public and the private owners interest can be fully taken care of by a fair division of this property bearing in mind that there is approximately eight thousand acres of land, and the owner Mr. Wm. J. Knapp only occupies the extreme south portion which contains virtually all of his improvements.

Economically, it is obviously important to acquire this property while the price of land has been established by the State’s purchase of other land in the neighborhood and also before extensive improvements might be made on the land which is yet undeveloped.

In view of the short time for getting this letter to you, it will be necessary for me to enclose a rather soiled map which might help you to visualize more accurately the situation as I have stated it

Looking at the situation from the house-top, as it were, it would seem that any far sighted political leader would grasp such an opportunity for rendering service to the pubic where such extensive sympathy exists in not only this, but other parts of the country.

If I recall correctly, when Governor Smith first advocated the protection of this area he received letters of commendation from many states all over the union and it is safe to believe that they had in mind this particular area and not alone the less desirable land that has been acquired.

Let me know if I can give you any more information on the subject.

Hurriedly yours,
