March 27, 1931 – JSA to Belle Moskovitz

  • March 27, 1931 – JSA to Mrs. Henry Moscowitz (NYC) –

My dear Mrs. Moscowitz:

Our two Assemblymen, Mr. Wemple and Mr. Merriam, both assured me this morning that the Hewitt tree-cutting amendment, S-33, now on third reading in the assembly, will be held over until Monday night. They also reflect other people’s thoughts that some very definite action by the Governor recommending the Sportsman’s Recreation bill, introduced by Baxter and Wemple, as a substitute, or some similar action by the Governor, is the only hope of defeating the measure.

At this writing I am somewhat at a loss to know what more to do, fearing that I might aggravate rather than improve the situation by any aggressive action in the direction of the administrative branch.

It will be helpful to have the bill generously opposed even if it passes, rather than to have it go through with the appearance of no opposition. I do hope something more effective can be done between now and Monday night.

Rabenold’s success with the City Club Legislative Committee, who I understand a few days ago voted unanimously against the Hewitt Amendment, was helpful, and I hope their action was supported by the directors who met last night at five o’clock. I have not yet heard a report from this meeting. I gather from the talks with our Assemblymen that the influence of the City Club is very effective.

With limited time I have been conferring with some of my fishing friends and hope I can write you more definitely on this most important subject in the near future.

Sincerely yours,
