March 27, 1930 – Stanton, Langmuir, Apperson & Moot to Hewitt

  • March 27, 1930 – E. MacD. Stanton (plus Irving Langmuir, J. S. Apperson and R. Moot) to Honorable Charles J. Hewitt (The Senate, Albany) –

My dear Senator:

After discussions with you and your committee on the reforestation bill last Thursday, we made a further study of reports and other data. Also, last night we went over the situation thoroughly with the State Superintendent of forests, Mr. Howard. We are in hearty sympathy with reforestation. We are also in sympathy with the policy of protecting the recreation areas. We feel that any conflict between those policies should be avoided and that any effort at this time to amend the Constitution protecting the recreation areas would unduly endanger the reforestation program.

It is quite apparent that the idle lands outside of the recreational counties suitable for a production forest are amply sufficient to carry out for years to come the plan recommended by your Commission. Utilizing these (?) funds outside the recreational areas would continue the policy approved by the Legislature last year in appropriating money for the purchase of such lands. Such a plan would tend to stop the conflict which has prevailed for many years in the Adirondacks between the commercial and non-commercial activities and promote a genuine interest in reforestation on the part of the public.

The important principle of keeping the aesthetic and recreational interests separate from the commercial or production activities has been recognized by the national government in maintaining their forest preserves separate from their parks, and we feel that your Committee have an excellent opportunity, to help the wood-using industry, the recreationists and the public in general by adopting this fundamental principle of carrying on commercial reforestation and lumbering operations on these idle lands entirely outside of the recreation areas.

Appreciating your willingness to consider our views in this important problem, we are

Cordially yours,

  1. MacD. Stanton, Irving Langmuir, J.S. Apperson, Richmond Moot