- March 23, 1931 – JSA to Ellwood Rabenold
My dear Mr. Rabenold:
I was at Assemblyman Wemple’s house last night when we talked over the long distance, and I went into many details with him, among others the kind of talk he should make in defense of his own bill and in combating the Hewitt Amendment. What he will actually do is problematical, although his heart is in the right place. Mr. Wemple called me up today noon and stated that he had the calendar for tonight gone over thoroughly and that the amendment in the Assembly would not be brought up tonight according to the calendar schedule. I have heard from various other people on this subject, but no change in the situation has appeared.
A talk yesterday with Senator Baxter developed only one possible thought and that was that the Hewitt crowd are helping the Democrats to out-smart the Republicans by promoting this reforestation, and that someone should get the thought to the Republican headquarters that the amendment would be shelved. He explained that he is hard of hearing and depends on his clerk, Bradshaw, to tell him what was being said, and I take it wants us to accept this as a reason for not making a speech against the Hewitt amendment when it came to vote. I don’t think either you or I have had any illusions regarding what would happen in this connection.
I am now anxious to hear what has developed today as a result of Mr. Peabody’s action with the Morganthau’s, Junior and Senior, and the Governor.
If you have had any promising changes in the situation that I should know about, I will of course be very appreciative if you will let me know over the ‘phone in the morning.
May I add that these last and eleventh hour efforts have been, in my opinion, very fruitful at least in demonstrating our willingness to avail ourselves of the more orderly lines of procedure if such lines are reasonable. Mr. Peabody I am sure is pleased with our effort to cooperate with the administration, as shown by your recent action and mu letter to the Commissioner. He, of course, is being loaded up very heavily with other matters and I fear will not be as much help to us as we would like, although I am sure he is heartily in sympathy with our efforts, from what he tells me over the ‘phone.
Sincerely yours,