March 22, 1930 – William G. Howard to JSA

  • March 22, 1930 – William G. Howard (Supt. Lands and Forests) to JSA –

Dear Mr. Apperson:

Your letter of March 20, referring to “reforestation bill” is received.

I assume you refer to the joint resolution in the Senate and Assembly to amend Article 7 of the Constitution for the purpose of putting into full effect the enlarged reforestation program.

I cannot see that any change in wording is necessary to protect any recreation areas in the state, but if you care to call at this office Tuesday of next week, I will be glad to discuss the matter with you. It might be well for you to telephone me in advance so that I can surely be here when you come.

Very truly yours,

Alexander MacDonald, Commissioner

by        H. G. Howard,

Superintendent, Lands and Forests

[Apperson wrote comment in the margins – “but he came to Schenectady for a conference at the Mohawk Club Monday night, March 30!”]