March 19, 1930 – C. Everett Bacon to JSA

  • March 19, 1930 – C. Everett Bacon to JSA –

Dear Mr. Apperson:

I have been very much interested in reading your enclosures, with reference to your very justifiable attitude in connection with the proposed amendment to the Constitution of New York State.

I most certainly agree with you that any such action by the legislature would be a possible serious detriment to the hillsides surrounding Lake George, and I trust that sufficient pressure may be brought to bear to defeat the proposed amendment.

Unfortunately, my residence is in Montclair, New Jersey, and practically all of my clubs except luncheon clubs are located there, and it would therefore be impossible for me to arouse any interest against the measure in this particular way. I will, however, be only too glad to arouse interest in the situation by word of mouth with various individuals who should know of this situation.

As a summer resident of Lake George and a property owner there, I would be very glad to protest directly to the proper party if you will advise me the name.

Mrs. Bacon and I are spending Friday night with Mr. Peabody in Saratoga and plan to motor up to Lake George on Saturday morning. Mr. Peabody, of course, knows of this situation and I will be very happy to talk further with him in connection with it.”


…”One of the objectionable features is the possibility that the state conservation commission can sell off the timber. This opens the door to possible abuses, and the conservation commission itself should discern the possible improprieties that might be involved. The number of people who own summer homes around Lake George and who are interested in preserving that beautiful lake in its primitive state, with the mountains that rim it covered with the verdure of forest, are alive to the disaster which impends if the proposed legislation is enacted. The purpose and intent of the constitution is to keep the matchless beauty of the mountain regions of New York State forever as a heritage for all the people all the time. As life becomes more complex, people more and more need the recreation which can be had by breathing the mountain air of those regions.. For this reason, the people of the state have decreed that the lands shall not be sold, leased or exchanged; that the timber on them shall not be cut or removed; but that they ‘shall be forever kept as wild forest land.’”