March 18, 1931 – Rabenold to JSA

  • March 18, 1931 – Rabenold to JSA

My Dear Mr. Apperson:

  1. At the meeting of the Legislation Committee of the City Club held Monday evening I made a preliminary presentation of the Hewitt and Baxter amendments, with Samuel H. Ordway, Jr. on the other side. We had barely got into the matter when it was necessary to adjourn because there was a business meeting of the club called for 8:30 and further argument was laid over for one week.
  2. This morning I have a letter from Mr. Ordway, a copy of which I enclose.
  3. Yesterday Mr. Vreeland telephoned me stating that he was informed that the Hewitt concurrent resolution had passed both houses. I was uptown at the time and told him I had not had opportunity to scan the Legislative Index report. This morning I went over yesterday’s report of Monday evening and this morning’s report of yesterday, from which it would seem that the Hewitt concurrent resolution which passed the Senate is still in committee in the Assembly. I stated this to you on the telephone this morning. I then called Mr. Vreeland. He said that he had telegraphed the Conservation Commissioner and that Mr. Howard had replied stating that the Conservation Department was committed to the Hewitt amendment, but that the Commissioner would be glad to talk with Mr. Vreeland. Mr. Vreeland, instead of going to Albany, wrote at length to the Commissioner setting forth his objections to the Hewitt amendment and proposing a redefinition of the forest preserve to avoid the incongruousness of a situation in which within the same area there might be state lands from which trees might be cut and other state lands from which trees might not be cut.
  4. I have this morning also a letter from John Burnham, a copy of which I enclose.
  5. The transcription of the minutes upon the public hearing held before the Senate Judiciary Committee in the Senate on February 25 came in this morning and I enclose two copies.
  6. Over the telephone this morning I recited these sundry matters and asked your wishes with respect to taking the initiative in calling a conference in Albany, possibly Friday of this week, at which a final effort might be made to reach an accord with respect to amendments to the Hewitt concurrent resolution. You stated you would call me later today.

Very sincerely, Ellwood Rabenold