March 17, 1930 – JSA to Senator Thomas C. Brown

  • March 17, 1930 – JSA to Senator Thomas C. Brown –

My dear Senator Brown:

The reforestation movement which began two years ago and was supported by many people, including the late Louis Marshall, was with the distinct understanding that it was to be on lands outside of the State’s playground, technically known as the “Forest Preserve.”

Senate bill 595, 1621, proposes to amend the Constitution so that these activities can be carried on inside of the playground permitting the lumbering and such other commercial activities on the shores of our most famous lake in eastern America, Lake George, and other popular recreation areas. Much can be said, of course, but the outstanding point is that the lands are yet to be bought and those lands outside of these areas are reported as suited by the Conservation Commission to the extent of two million acres. The question naturally arises why not buy these land which do not endanger the recreation areas and do not require an amendment to the Constitution and are suitable both in vocation and soil like the Luther reforestation area. If there were no lands available for these activities of reforestation and commercial lumbering, this attempt to amend the constitution might be justified, but in round numbers the Conservation Commission reports a million or more acres privately owned inside of the forest preserve suitable for private operations, and two million outside where commercial operations could be carried on without endangering the recreation areas, and since this effort is evidently an attack on the people’s playground, it seems clear that it should be given a thorough airing by all the outdoor and sportsman’s organizations, and I understand you and Assemblymen Wemple will not allow this bill to go through without a roll call in order that the people will know exactly which of their representatives have favored this unwarranted attempt to encroach on the State’s playground.

Cordially yours,
