March 14, 1930 – Robert M. Wilson to John J. Bennett


  • March 14, 1930 – Robert M. Wilson to John J. Bennett –

My dear Commander Bennett:

I have your letter of the 12th. A bill was introduced in 1923 by Senator Nathan Strauss, to preserve the central areas of Lake George. The owner of the Paradise Bay land, however, brought about a revision omitting his half of the area. The project was then made a part of the state park program and I understand appropriations for the entire park system of the state was in a like manner held up for some time.

Our Post went on record at that time for protecting this famous spot, and I understand the State Commander in a radio talk also strongly urged the State’s action in protecting this much admired spot.

The State’s acquisition of the western half of this area is a great accomplishment and we here are glad to be numbered among those who helped bring this about.

I understand you will receive a resolution similar to the one I sent you, from other posts I the very near future.

I have the impression that the Legislature will soon adjourn and a bill would probably have to be introduced rather quickly to be successful.

If I can give you any further information, I shall be glad to do so immediately.

Cordially yours,

Robert M. Wilson, Commander