March 13, 1929 – JSA to Hilda Loines


  • March 13, 1929 – JSA to Hilda Loines –

Dear Hilda:

Your letter of the 6th with enclosure from MacDonald is very interesting, and Lot 11 alone would fill several pages, should I attempt to describe the shortcomings of Mr. MacDonald and the promises Morehouse has failed to keep.

Several weeks ago I put the case in Andrew Smith’s hands, asking him to confer and , if possible, cooperate with Morehouse to the end that not only myself but Chester Dagles and all others honestly interested be compensated. When I last heard from Andrew he was not making much progress, but I will go after him again.

If you have any spare time and inclination, I would suggest that you write a letter to Colonel Green, Superintendent of Public Works, commending him on his stand against Whiteface Road, and get others to write also.

A bill has recently been put through and signed by the Governor for the erection of a toboggan slide on State land near Lake Placid. I am informed that there are several suitable places in the valley, on privately owned land, for such a slide. In fact there is very little State owned land in the valley proper. Why they should select State land for this purpose and establish another principle at variance with the Constitution by cutting trees and building artificial structures, is not clear to me, and does not seem justified, and no doubt if it were attacked by the right legal minds it would be found unconstitutional. It would not, however, be wise to use an unfortunate example as this might prove to be.

In passing, you might be interested in reading the enclosed letter to MacDonald. I neglected to emphasize the rocky formation with only a thin covering of soil for the benefit of those who may read this and who are not familiar with lake George proper, not mentioning any particular bay where there are no islands.

I just had lunch with Ted and listened with much interest to his own version of the meeting Monday evening. I was particularly interested in the Forester who came uninvited to direct their thinking into commercial channels.

You might be interested in knowing that it is generally reported that MacDonald was re-appointed in order that he might secure his pension which requires a certain number of year in service. This we understand will be completed some time in September.

Ted tells me that Ingerson [Ingersoll?] is rooting very hard for Moses. My own opinion is that Mr. Richmond Moot, son of Judge Adelbert Moot of Buffalo, one time head of the State Planning Association, and for some time a member of the Advisory Board of the State Association, will be much better, although he is a Republican from Buffalo. It is just as well that we do not antagonize Mr. Moses and his followers, however. At the same time we should have the job done by someone more dependable.

With best regards,

Cordially yours,
