March 10, 1930 – Letter to New York State Forestry Association


  • March 10, 1930 – Publication (letter to members – New York State Forestry Association, Inc. Albany )–

To members of the New York State Forestry Association:

You will be pleased to know more about the success of our 18th annual meeting recently held. The attendance should have been larger but prominent members interested in forestry were present and participated in the proceedings with enthusiasm and interest.

As Tom Luther did not feel that he could accept the presidency of the Association and on request f those most interested I agreed to serve this year.

The financial condition of our Association needs our urgent attention. The salary of our efficient and faithful secretary, Jim Simmons, has been in arrears for two or three months and this should be paid in full at once, even if it leaves us short of funds for other expenses. If our Association receives the earnest cooperation and support of all our members we should be able to start our new year in the Association in good financial condition, and with a bright outlook ahead.

We plan to resume publication of our own quarterly magazine, “New York Forestry,” which will contain interesting and important articles and news on forestry progress and legislation in New York State. This magazine will be issued when and as often as this Association can afford it. The first issue will probably be out early in April in special observance of Conservation Week.

We are pleased to announce a cooperative arrangement with the New York Development Association which has for its objects “Development, Protection and Utilization of the natural Resources of New York State.” That Association will send its attractive magazine, – The Up-Stater, to all of our members without cost. The purpose of this arrangement is to furnish our own members with additional information on problems concerned with forestry of New York.

These magazines and the Conservationist, in which we edit assigned pages each month, will be worth more than the price of membership.

Our Secretary was authorized by the Executive Committee to travel more, in the interest of the Association, and we believe that such trips with talks to groups who are interested will result I much greater interest and add many new members to our organization.

Our Association fills a definite need and place, for it is the one organization in which all who are interested in promoting the forestry interests of the State can unite. The great increase in interest in reforestation and the need and use of our forests for recreation, game and woods products has resulted in the people of the state becoming more forest-minded. A large number of people would become members if they were invited.

More members, and more contributors to our program of work are needed.

We need your active interest and support. Will you not give us what time and effort you can to help us put our Association on a sound basis? Will you not secure at least one new member or increase your contribution?

Any suggestions you may have to increase the success and helpfulness of the Association will be cordially welcomed.

Yours sincerely,

Clarence L. Fischer, President