March 10, 1930 – Augustus S. Houghton (NYC) to JSA –
Dear Mr. Apperson:
Mr. Greeley has referred to me your letter of the 28th ult. anent Senate Bill 595, s I am more familiar with it than he is. I think you misconstrue the purposes of this bill entirely and that your apprehensions are entirely unfounded.
The Reforestation Committee after two years of work have decided upon and reported the resolution above referred to. The reason that the provision is made relative to the forest preserve is that in that section the soft woods will grow better than in any other part of the state. Ample provision has been made against any trespass upon the present lands of the state in the preserve or in the park. I do not agree with you that this resolution lets down the bars in any way. …there are other people in the state that are just as jealous of safeguarding the parks as you are and I think I am one of them and I do not think that you are justified in stating that the Commission is attempting to break into the State’s playground. There are still some honest people left in the state who are working for the best interests of the state, even though they may not be in accord with everybody else who have similar regard for the state’s interests.
Very truly,
Augustus S. Houghton
Wise Shepard & Houghton, Counselors at Law