- March 1, 1930 – JSA to Hon. Charles L. Munsil (Assembly – Albany)
Dear Neighbor:
I hope you survived this unusual winter, including the short spell of spring which has just passed by.
I heard a discussion here yesterday between some outdoor people, about a bill that is considered very bad, and thought you might be interested I knowing about it. As you know, we have a large number of people here who visit all parts of the Adirondacks. As I understand it, this bill in known as the Hewitt Resolution, S. 595, and will if passed amend the constitution permitting lumbering operations in many of the recreation areas which are now protected by the Constitution. The gist of the arguments which I heard here were that there is plenty of land available for carrying on all the reforestation and lumbering operations that are needed, without amending the Constitution and endangering these recreation areas
Of course you will be on the right side of this question if you know what it is all about, and if you care to talk with any of these men here, I would be glad to have you come over and have dinner or lunch with me some day and then you could tell us all about it, and get the story from this end better than I can tell it to you. May I hear from you at your convenience?
Sincerely yours,