- June 30, 1931 – JSA to Paul Schaefer –
My dear Mr. Schaefer:
Your letter of the 26th reached me on my return from the Adirondacks yesterday.
There is much interesting and important work for a group able and willing to give sufficient time to understand true conservation, particularly as applied to the Adirondacks, and there are, of course, no people who frequent these mountains at all times of the year as do our Schenectadians. They are, therefore , unusually well qualified to render real service in helping to clarify conservation problems.
If there was such a group just now analyzing the proposed amendment to that great instrument, Article VII, Section 7 of the Constitution, they would render monumental service to the State. They would, of course, have to be willing to take friendly issue with the group that have for several years dominated the parent organization. The Adirondack Club is sometimes referred to as a subsidiary of the Conservation Commission, and while there are certain advantages to such a close relation, the Club is at a decided disadvantage when basic principles are being violated by the Commission.
Being a charter member, and having helped to organize the Adirondack Mountain Club, and having served as a member of the first Committee on Conservation, my impression of the administrative possibilities of the Club for true conservation are not very good. However, I would be glad to have a talk with you on this subject and suggest that you come to lunch with me some day this week. I cannot fix the hour at this time in view of other pending engagements, but suggest you call me up at your convenience.
Cordially yours,