June 26, 1931 – Paul Schaefer (Adirondack Mountain club) to JSA


  • June 26, 1931 – Paul Schaefer (Adirondack Mountain Club) to JSA

Dear Mr. Apperson:

For some time we have been going over the various angles relative to a local chapter of the Adirondack Club. Tonight I had a very interesting talk with Mr. H. G. Reist who favors the idea. It is doubtful if anything definite would be done before Fall but we think it a good plan to get the ideas of those members of the Club in or near the city, that we might have something tangible to think about regarding it. I would deeply appreciate your reaction to the idea.

I haven’t been in the Club very long although I’ve been familiar with its actions for some time.

To my mind the Club and Adirondack conservation in general are going through a very critical period. The last issue of “High Spots” had some rather glaring ourselves to. Taken as viewpoints from individuals they are alright but unless some opposition is shown NOW, particularly by organized chapters of the Club these viewpoints are very liable to become more than merely viewpoints.

It seems to me we Schenectady members of the Club should organize – if for no other reason than to be in a position to thrash out these problems and answer the challenge some of them send us….Mr. Reist gave me a very interesting picture of your work at Lake George. After that – I knew I HAD to meet you!

Sometime at your leisure I should be very glad to have a few moments with you. In the meantime would you favor me with a note giving your opinion as to local organization?

In all sincerity

Paul Schaefer

(Membership & Education Committees)

2637 Augustine Ave.
