June 18, 1929 – JSA to Raymond Wilson, Boston
Dear Raymond:
Your important letter revealing the unfortunate state of mind of a certain young lady who will pay the penalty for such rash promises, was misplaced and was just found this morning in a pile of mail.
I am sure it will be a fine thing for both of you, and there is no better place to start life than Lake George, and while I am unable to tell you definitely at this writing what you can expect, I hope to be in a position to advise you more definitely by the end of this month. I am still hoping that some of my own people from Virginia will be up, and if so, they will be occupying both of my camps.
The Temple, if you remember it, located on the west side of Tongue Mountain, owned by Mr. Milton I believe while you were here, is constantly in demand for a place t begin the long trip, and I am in hopes that I will be able to get it for you.
With best regards, I am
Cordially yours,