June 17, 1930 – Ted Dreier to his parents (Black Mountain collection)

June 17, 1930 – Ted Dreier to his parents (HE Dreier and Ethel) (from the Ted Dreier collection – Black Mountain archives) –

Dear father and mother –

What do you think? Barbara and I have decided to go to Rollins this winter after all, and last night I telegraphed Hamilton Holt, accepting his offer!! I really didn’t expect to do it at all when I saw you Sunday, though it sounded attractive in ever so many ways. But when I got back and talked with everybody, including Alex, several members of the commercial department, Mr. Alger, Mr. Doherty, Dr. Langmuir, Mr. Prince and others – and after thinking it all over Bobby and I decided it was the best thing to do.

As it turns out, I think I could have stayed on here after all – in fact Doherty and others practically said that it would be possible to arrange in some way or other if I wanted to do it. Dr. O’Connor (the psychological testing man), Dr. Langmuir and one or two others besides Mr. Ames rather thought that Rollins was the best thing. Dr. Langmuir thought it was perfect and immediately gave me a wonderful lesson on one of my weak points in physics which will stand me in awfully good stead. Mr. Price was awfully helpful in his summing up of the alternatives, and Alex was a tremendous help I making it possible for me to stay here, if I wanted to. Everybody was ever so friendly. When we finally decided, we felt sure it was the right thing, and now we are more sure than ever and perfectly thrilled! Oh, it is going to be great! I shall start preparing very shortly. Dr. O’Connor is coming for supper again and I must run. See you Saturday at the latest.

With much love from Ted.”