June 15, 1929 – JSA to Commodore Walvin Barr


  • June 15, 1929 – JSA to Walvin Barr, Commodore, ACA –

My dear Commodore:

Your letter of the 12th with enclosures reveals another opportunity for the A.C.A to join a group who are trying to preserve the wild beauty and other natural features of our parks.

Since the A.C.A. have on several important occasions done such outstanding work in advocating this same protection to our New York State parks, it would seem that you could, as Commodore, at least subscribe to the principles recommended, although you may not feel free to approve all the details of procedure outlined. The struggle in the national parks between the commercial and non-commercial interests is virtually the same struggle that went on in this State for many years and finally culminated in 1894 by the protection being put in our fundamental law, out of reach of all organizations including the legislature. The natural features which should be protected are now so definitely known that protecting similar to that given our Adirondacks should be afforded our national parks, rather than depend on the ever-changing personnel of associations and organizations.

This is of course, no criticism of the present effort of any person or group of people connected with the national parks and could not affect the present effort which the A.C.A are invited to join. It is a thought, however, that you might care to advance since it has proven so necessary in New York State where we find even the Constitution is none too safe against the many efforts to exploit our playgrounds.

I hope you will have a talk with Greeley, and do all you can to help him. He is one of the best informed and helpful men that I know of in such matters.

If you find I can be of any assistance, be sure and let me know. With best regards,

Cordially yours,
