July 8, 1929 – Andrew L. Smith to JSA

  • July 8, 1929 – Andrew L. Smith (Glens Falls) to JSA

Dear Mr. Apperson:

With reference to your letter of July 1st, I advise that I have examined the records at the Warren County Clerk’s Office as to conveyances of Tongue Mountain Property to the parties named in your letter, namely; Bertha C. Ehlers, Sadie May Anderson, Drank C. Decker, Agnes W. Martin, John S. Apperson, Rosalie S. Day, Irving and Marion Langmuir, Jeremiah Day Estate and General Electric Company, I have made and enclose herewith abstracts of these conveyances. I have not checked the records to see whether or not any of these parties have conveyed the whole or part of their lands since acquiring the same, as I feel quite confident that there have been no such transfers. I will however make such check in case you desire.

With reference to Lot No. 11 Ford and Robinson Patent, I advise that I was talking with Mr. Morehouse on Tuesday of last week and he at that time advised me that a conference between yourself and him had been arranged but that the same had not as yet been carried out.

I appreciate that the time is short in which you have to file your claim and will endeavor to see Mr. Morehouse again in case you desire. I believe that you will appreciate the situation which I am in so far as this matter is concerned, Mr. Morehouse having originally retained and he having all papers in regard to the matter.

Sincerely yours,

Andrew L. Smith

Attorney and Counselor at Law, Masonic Temple, Glens Falls, N.Y