- July 12, 1921 – Oscar S. Tyson (Rickard and Company, NYC) to JSA
My dear Apperson:
This is rather a late date to be thanking you for our fine time at Lake George, but after leaving there I went for a trip up through the State and then stopped off on my way back for three days fishing in the Adirondacks so haven’t been here at the office long enough to get caught up on my correspondence.
Due to the trouble with the bearings on the car we could not get away from Lake George until Tuesday morning – and to tell the truth we were all glad that the darn thing busted.
Let me tell you how much we (The Tyson family) enjoyed being able to stay in your place and as an ex-official of the Canoe Association let me tell you how much the Association enjoyed being able to hold their meet there. I certainly hope that everything was properly cleaned up after the Meet was over and that you feel that the members of the Association acted as they should while they were on your property.
There is one other matter I want to take up in this letter and that is that I owe the Roosevelts for some telephone calls. As I remember it I ‘phoned Lake George from their place four or five times – and the first time asked the cost of the call which I think was fourteen or seventeen cents. Perhaps some of the times I talked over-time so I am enclosing a dollar bill which I wish you would pass along to Mr. Roosevelt. If you learn that this is not enough please let me know so that I can send a sufficient amount – if it happens to be too much tell him to spend the rest of it on those children of his. I haven’t got his initials or his Schenectady address or I would have sent the amount direct to him.
Now don’t forget that the next time you are in New York City you are going to look us up as Mrs. Tyson wants a chance to prove that she can entertain you better at White Plains than I did. Also please pass the same work along to the Roosevelt family, as next to yourself they gave us the finest treatment we received on the while trip
Yours very sincerely,
Oscar S. Tyson