- January 29, 1931 – John Van De Water to Mr. Carmer (Adirondack Club) –
I have been laid up for about three weeks with a sprained ankle and have had no opportunity to see Mr. Kohlhaas concerning the proposed Adirondack State Park amendment. Would you help the cause along by digesting the enclosed information and talking with Mr. Kohlhaas?
To my mind the most important point in the whole discussion is to prevent at any cost the changing of our Article 7, Section 7 of the state constitution, to permit the cutting of trees in our present preserve. We must retain certain lands in this state, to be used by ourselves and by people who come after us, for educational and recreational purposes. With the growth of cities, people need an area to enjoy themselves in that is free from hot dog stands, roads bearing the smell of gasoline fumes and any other form of commercialism.
This article, written by Mr. Elihu Root to protect our forests from such inroads, says that these lands shall forever be kept in their wild state. Any influence you can exert over Mr. Kohlhaas toward having the New York Chapter oppose this amendment, certainly would be greatly appreciated. This amendment is fundamental and should be defeated.