- January 28, 1929 – M. S. Stortz (New York Development Association, Inc. ) We acknowledge with thanks your check for one year’s subscription to the “Up-Stater.”
Letterhead: New York Development Corporation
Objects: Development, Protection, and Utilization of the Natural Resources of New York State.
Officers: George H. Campbell, President (Oswego, N.Y.); Bertrand H. Snell, 1st Vice Pres. (Potsdam, N.Y.; George A. Lawyer, 2nd V.P. (Watertown, N.Y.; Clarence C. Smith, Secretary (Watertown, N.Y.; Mary F. Stortz, Asst. Secretary (Watertown, N.Y.); William D. Morgan, Treasurer (Watertown, N.Y.; Francis X. Linehan, Asst. Treasurer (Watertown)
Board of Directors: Harry W. Barnard (Treasurer, Rome Wire Co.); Robert J. Buck, President Northern N.Y. Trust Co.; George H. Campbell, President, Chamber of Commerce, Oswego, N.Y.; Fred F. Fisk, V.P. Farmers National Bank, Malone, N.Y.; Julius Frank, Pres. Chamber of Commerce, Ogdensburg; Irving H. Griswold, Pres. Northern N.Y. Telephone Co., Plattsburgh; George A. Lawyer, Attorney at Law, Watertown; Harry S. Lewis, President, J. P. Lewis Co., Beaver Falls; B. F. McCreery. Treasurer, The Yorke Shirt Co., Glens Falls; George W. Sisson, Jr., Pres. Raquette River Paper Co., Potsdam; Clarence C. Smith, Sec. Watertown
Advisory Council on Forestry and Reforestation: John B. Burnham, Former President, American Game protective Assn.; Hon. Harry S. Graves, Dean, School of Forestry, Yale University; Franklin Moon, Dean, New York State College of forestry, Syracuse University; Prof. B. A. Recknagel, Empire State Forest Products Assn.