January 23, 1930 – Rabenold to JSA


  • January 23, 1930 – Rabenold (Rabenold & Scribners, NYC) to JSA

My dear Apperson:

Your letter comes like a fresh breeze, crisp and cobweb blowing. Probationary periods are always useful; each one of us is subject to every manner of test before we can hope for any thorough approval. So I dare say the lumber interests and all who utilize forest products might well subscribe to a plan of probation before invading the Forest Preserve.

My own thought has always been that when we have extended the State forests outside the Forest Preserve over areas being acquired with moneys from the conservation fund for the establishment of these forests, with game refuges, the progressive silvaculture practiced upon such forest areas, involving of course utilization of mature stands, would give demonstration under government auspices of proper and trustworthy utilization.

After which, and it would seem not before, discussion might be had with respect to possible utilization of mature stands within the Forest Preserve.

I shall be hoping to see you again soon.

Very sincerely,

Ellwood Rabenold