- January 20, 1030 – JSA to Raymond H. Torrey (NYC) –
Dear Mr. Torrey:
I have just learned of the court decision sustaining the plain wording of the Constitution against cutting trees inside of the Adirondack Park, even for so commendable a purpose as a toboggan slide. Please express my congratulations to those who were most helpful in bringing this about.
In accordance with my recent letter to Mr. Agar, I enclosing a copy of the January issue of the Conservationist. Page #4 relates to the proposed constitutional amendment. Further information on this also appears on Page #5 of the Bulletin of the New York State Fish, Game and Forest League, reporting their 65th Annual Convention held at Canajoharie.
If you have an extra copy of the decision of the Appellate Court, referred to above, would you be kind enough to send it to me?
Cordially yours, JSApperson