January 2, 1929 – JSA to Major O. F. Allen

  • January 2, 1929 – JSA to Major O. F. Allen (New York City) –

Dear Allen:

I tried to locate you this morning to give you and your family my best wishes for the New Year, only to learn that you had left our business family. This has filled me with regrets, since it probably will mean that I will not have the pleasure of seeing you as often as I have in the past. New York City, however, is much closer than the countries in Europe which you have been visiting in the last few years, and I hope you and your wife will find it convenient to run up for a trip to my camp on Lake George some week-end.

I have just returned from a four days visit up there, and I can assure you that it is still very much worth while visiting, and I hope I can keep going and make it even more attractive by preserving the natural features.

With sincere beat wishes to you and your wife, I remain

Cordially yours,
