- February 7, 1945 – P.W. Ham (1504 Keyes Avenue, Schenectady) to The Honorable Thomas E. Dewey
Dear Sir:
As you probably know, Schenectady has a reputation throughout the state for progressive action on conservation problems, dating back many years. We are very anxious that the head of the Conservation Department be a man who is familiar with all of the intricacies of these problems and who has the intelligence and courage to conceive and carry through sound plans in conservation. Hence the Schenectady County Conservation Council, consisting of the groups noted above, unanimously and enthusiastically recommend to you for this important appointment Mr. J. S. Apperson, one of our members.
Mr. Apperson is well known throughout the state for his leadership in movements affecting the preservation and protecting of soil, forest and wild life, and better land utilization in New York and other states.
Your serious consideration of his appointment is respectfully commended to you.
Sincerely yours,
- W. Ham