February 4, 1930 – JSA to Johannsen

  • February 4, 1930 – JSA to Johannsen –

Dear Johannsen:

My niece and I had a marvelous ski trip. The first day we went to the Dome Hill Lodge, returning to Ottawa in time to see the snow shoers, do some shopping and visit the Peace Tower. Friday we took the early bus and actually got into Camp Fortune, had lunch and a short but pleasant visit with Mr. Morteaux at his camp. By the way, I called him up when I first arrived and he immediately came to see me at my room at the Chateau Larrier, where we had a very interesting talk on various ski problems. He is a charming fellow and did much to help us.

My niece was most enthusiastic and said several times that the only regret she could possibly have was not seeing you and your family on skis. She however enjoyed her new acquaintance with you and she wants me to let her know when she can join you and your family at my camp on Lake George next summer.

I cannot of course tell you how much I appreciate the help you gave me in introducing our most favorite sport to my young niece, but I do appreciate it very much and while I intended to write you a severe letter about jumping and going across country, I will delay this reprimand for the next letter.

In the meantime, with sincere best wishes to you and your family, I remain

Cordially yours,
