- February 28, 1929 – Theodore Dreier to Dr. Felix Adler, New York City –
- Dear Dr. Adler:
Governor Roosevelt has not yet appointed a Conservation Commissioner to succeed Mr. Alexander MacDonald, although several people have been proposed for the office. As you are doubtless aware, the Governor has the preservation of the Adirondacks close at heart and I believe that he would like to appoint a new man. However there are so many representatives of private interests who are urging the reappointment of the present Commissioner that a few letters from disinterested people would be a great help. Will you write and let the Governor have your views on the matter?
Several of us here in Schenectady who frequently visit the Adirondacks feel that there are some important things to be done and see no hope of getting them done under the present Commissioner who has repeatedly shown himself to be out of sympathy with the wild-forest land idea. We are not out to get a job for anybody – what we hope for is to see certain things accomplished. We should like to help in the task, but it is essential that we have a Commissioner with whom we can cooperate in our efforts to preserve the wild beauty of the Adirondacks.
Sincerely yours,
Theodore Dreier.