- February 24, 1931 – Mrs. Henry Moskovitz (331 Madison Ave., NYC) to JSA
Dear Mr. Apperson:
I have had a very good letter from Lieutenant Governor Lehman, who at first was not inclined to interest himself in the matter because he thought that the thing was all sewed up.
I have, however, been able to send him Senator Rabenold’s material and your and he now writes me as follows:
“When Senator Rabenold’s letter arrives, I shall, or course, give it my careful attention. As I told you when I saw you last week I shall be very glad to see anyone interested in this or any other matter relating to the State government. If, therefore, the gentleman from Schenectady, whose interest you describe, wishes to confer with me I shall be very glad indeed to make an appointment to see them, although, of course, they must understand that my authority does not in any way extend to matters of legislation.”
I think that opens the door for Mr. Moot or you to go and see him and explain the matter to him. I think that Senator Rabenold is a tower of strength to you.
Has anyone been to see Mr. Young? Please do keep me informed of the progress. I think that an attempt should also be made to see Samuel Rosenman, the Governor’s counsel. I am writing him about it, copy of my letter is enclosed herewith.
Sincerely yours,
Belle P. Moskovitz