- February 24, 1931 – Mrs. Henry Moskovitz to Hon. Samuel S. Rosenman (Albany) –
Dear Sam:
There are some good friends of mine in Schenectady whom you also should know. Mr. J. S. Apperson and Mr. Richard (Richmond) Moot, to say nothing of Dr. Langmuir, one of the world’s most distinguished scientists. Dr. Langmuir happens to be abroad, but all three gentlemen are deeply interested in the Hewitt Reforestation Amendment.
Senator Rabenold has prepared some very interesting material on this subject which has been sent to Lieutenant Governor Lehman. I very much want you to have contact with these gentlemen and get their point of view with regard to the amendment to the amendment. It would be well worthwhile if you would see Mr. Richard Moot and let him tell you what they would like to do.
Henry will be in Albany again next week and I assure you it is a great temptation not to go up with him.
With best wishes to you and Dorothy and most of all, of course, to young Jim.
Sincerely yours,
Mrs. Henry Moskovitz