- February 23, 1961 – JSA to Editor, The New York Times –
Dear Sir:
Your February 23rd editorial “Forest Preserve in Danger” is sound, farsighted and much needed to enlighten many confused people. As you point out, there are ample accommodations of all kinds closely intermixed with Forest Preserve lands which make unnecessary any further developments in the Forest Preserve.
About everything good, bad and otherwise has been done during the last 100 years in both the Adirondack and Catskill Mountains. It would therefore seem inexcusably negligent to repeat our past mistakes and go slow as suggested by some people when the promoters of this new drive on the Forest Preserve are proceeding very rapidly. It also seems appropriate to keep in mind that less than half the area in question, including the Upper Watershed of our State is now protected as Forest Preserve land.
- S. Apperson, President
New York State Forest Preserve Association